Appeal against Visa refusal in Italy.
The assistance of an Italian lawyer is required by law. The foreigner can't appeal by himself.

According to Italian Law, the refusal of an entry visa by Italian embassy or consulate can be appealed to the Regional Administrative Court of Lazio located in Rome. If you think it is an unfair denial, you have the right to appeal within 60 days from the notification of the denial. The assistance of a lawyer is required by law.
Only the Italian lawyers can appeal your refusal before the T.A.R. of Lazio. You can't do it by yourself, because only the Italian lawyers can represent you before the court. If you write personally to the court, your letter is not an appeal and you'll never get an answer.
The foreign lawyers are not authorized before the Italian courts (unless they are member of the Italian Bar Association). You need an Italian lawyer to appeal your refusal of visa. A lawyer of your country can't represent you before the Italian courts, nor by correspondence, nor personally in Italy. If a lawyer of your country sends a letter to the Court, this letter is not an appeal, he'll never get an answer and you lose your right to appeal.
We are Italian lawyers based in Rome. We are very experienced with visa refusal appeals (you can check on this website all the news about our appeals).
If you want to successfully appeal a denial of a visa and you need an Italian lawyer, don't hesitate to contact us (click here)
Please, see also:
How to appeal visa refusal in Italy
Appeal against unfair Schengen Visa denials in Italy
Appeal against the refusal of visa for family members of EU citizens in Italy
Appeal against elective residence visa refusal in Italy
The T.A.R. of Lazio on Visa denials issued by Embassies and Consulates of Italy
Lawyers in Italy for the appeal against Visa refusal
How to exercise in Italy your rights of access to the Schengen Information System (SIS)
List of countries whose citizens are subject to the visa obligation to enter in Italy
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